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In this section you will find our most recent CE articles. This is not a full database of all the courses available, it only aims to give you a better idea of the type of course offered.
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Dentistry Today’s Continuing Education (CE) Program aims to provide accurate, science-based information of clinical relevance in a publication format. This provides the opportunity for dentists to earn CE credits in the convenience of their home or office.
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You can search by course name and/or author. Each course is categorized by topic.
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One-stop shop
Save time with a single sign-on and easy CE purchase through our DT online store. Dentistry Today’s “my courses” keeps track of your online CE and transcripts to help track the CE credits they have earned toward relicensure.
CE credits and certificates
Custom certificate of completion
Each certificate will be automatically emailed after completion of the course and saved into the “my courses” section and can be printed multiple times at any point. The certificate will include the title of the course, the date completed, and the name of the website it was taken on.